The B’day post

Yet another year has gone by! I was just running by my last year’s birthday post. It is sad to see that not much has changed from that post although quite a lot has happened in the year. I still cannot call myself an entrepreneur. Not even a freelancer. I still am trying to beat the blues from last year. Maybe I’ll just count my blessings this year and set some realistic goals for 2016....

December 28, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Unta is a month old

I had introduced Unta in an earlier post. Unta came into our lives on the 5th of October. Today he is a month old. He already does a lot of very insightful things like saying “ah” or “oooh” when we aren’t expecting it. He can tell dad’s arms from mom’s. And he loves dad’s better 😉 He knows when to fold his legs so that changing the diaper is a tough exercise....

November 6, 2015 · 6 min · abishek

This is where it all starts!

It was an insightful morning today. I was getting my 1-month-old to sleep after his feed so that we can get our day started. Noni is sort of jealous of me on this: Unta seems to love my arm couch better than hers. Even though I squeeze him like an orange. Maybe he feels super cozy! Ok, please don’t advise me on why I should not squeeze a 1-month-old like an orange....

November 5, 2015 · 4 min · abishek

Poruthaar Boomialwaar

I think I came across this phrase in school. Since I chose to study “Hindi” as my second language, I probably didn’t get to study this phrase first hand. “Poruthaar Boomialwaar”. A very powerful phrase that every kid should learn, understand and imbibe in his/her life. I told Noni that the only thing I want to teach my kid would be “delayed gratification”. I cannot say it is an uninfluenced thought, we all have heard of and seen some version of the marshmallow experiment....

November 1, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

100 Posts

This is my hundredth post on the blog. I got here in less than two years, averaging > two posts a week. But the distribution is not that even. Maybe it is time to have this blog more noticed and have people read and give me a piece of their minds. For a start, I’ll publish the links to my first circle of friends. I definitely like to write. But I can’t write on a cue....

September 23, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

Building a Portfolio

I have come to realize that I need a portfolio. A showcase of what I can do. While I can work in multiple disciplines, I only have a resume to say this. And maybe some references. Going forward, neither of this is going to help. At least not much. And when I am trying to get interesting gigs or get an interview or two with some promising startup, I need a portfolio more than ever....

September 17, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

Seth Godin

I sometimes think Seth Godin has a team that just spies on me to give him inputs on what he should write about. Because there are so many instances where his post for the day directly answers something I have been pondering over or ranting about to Noni. Ask her, she’d vouch for this. I find it difficult to accept most of his advice, though. I think I have my feet too deep in staying afloat that I am super scared to change any of that....

September 16, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

A full stack developer

I recently came across someone who called himself a “full stack” developer. By his definition of the term, I am at best a “full queue” developer. In my entire career, I have never written my own stack implementation. But I recently wrote my own working queue. I didn’t have the heart to break his illusion. I know, I should have educated him and become a better person myself. But I also know, from a lot of my students, that am the worst teacher they ever had to learn from....

September 7, 2015 · 2 min · abishek


I sort of went into an exile since the last post. I think none of this blogging platforms in working for me. I hate to type with my phone, in spite of its bigger screen. I don’t carry my pad everywhere either. Not so much of the mac too. Basically, I travel only with my phone and I don’t want to have to type with the phone. That means, I lose all the brilliant thoughts for a post by the time I get to the mac or to the office laptop that I usually write these posts from....

August 24, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Mornings without technology

As usual, I have started running another experiment.But this is only two days young. I should wait for another month or so to see if I really hold this up. The routine is the SAVERS routine that I came across in techcrunch or mashable recently. The actual routine is like this: Sit in silence; Meditate Affirmations Visualizations Exercise – my usual yoga Reading – currently “War of the worlds by H....

July 29, 2015 · 2 min · abishek