iPhone 6 among other things

After a lot of deliberation, discussions, depressions, planning and meticulous budgeting, Noni convinced me to just stfu and pick up that damn device. So we did just that. I am still a little unsure whether I like the feel of the device. I love my iPhone 5 because the form factor is just about perfect for me. This is my first 4.7″ device in the last 4-5 years that I have held a smartphone....

July 8, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

With uncertainty

So we are entering a certain level of uncertainty in our lives this year. Many times the uncertainty are related to my wishes and hopes about my future. About our future. About our dreams for our future. This time it is different. And hopefully we come out stronger when this has passed. Of course, for the first time, we have very little give or take from the outcomes. We have a wish-list for what we expect to happen....

February 1, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

Best start was for 2015…

2015 indeed started on a great note for me. I managed to get a 1-1 meeting with the Harnhua – Co-Founder at Plunify, a startup specialising in FPGAs and cloud computing based solutions for this space. Well, technically, they aren’t a startup anymore, just a small company. But from my talk with him, I understand that they are pretty much the startup that they set out to be. And probably have all those startup problems 🙂...

January 22, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

On Ideas and Starting up

Ever since I joined college, I have wanted to be on my own. I never wanted to work for a boss. But given my family conditions back then, it wasn’t quite possible. So I ended up taking a job. Most of the decisions I took, excepting my marriage, were meant to serve this purpose. It is quite pathetic when I think that I still haven’t been able to get there....

January 14, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

One Year of Singapore

It is a few days and a year since we moved to Singapore. I was reflecting on this episode of my life and I felt I missed a few points. While I don’t know if want to rant on them and feel further let down, I do want to collect my thoughts some place and revisit later. I came to Singapore because I fell in love with the place when I first came in....

June 5, 2014 · 4 min · abishek