On Astrology

The condo we stay in has a row of shops at level 1 (ground floor). Most of the shops are not taken so far. But one of them came in along with our moving in. They do astrological consultation. But like most Indian astrologers, they have about two dozen services including Feng Shui and Tarot card reading. First few occassions, both me and my wife had a feeling that the lady in the shop was trying to talk to us!...

May 1, 2014 · 2 min · abishek

Hello World!

I’ve been blogging on and off at various sites including wordpress and blogger. I’ve also tried consolidating a bunch of them a bunch of times. But given how haphazard my habits are, consolidation is never complete. This time around I have decided to stop using all the other tools and stick to this one alone. I self host it and that presumably gives me more control. It also makes it vulnerable, but I don’t know who on earth wants to control my site!...

April 30, 2014 · 1 min · abishek