Work Environment – Going beyond just sounds

I got this idea as I was in the middle of my yoga session. I have this app called “noizio” installed in my mac. There is nothing special about this app and there are many variants on this app as well. It can generate ambient noises like being present in a cafe, beach, grass, etc. You can choose if it is raining, windy, thunderstorms, riverside and others. It works quite well, especially if you like to work in a noisier environment....

June 30, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

And what if?

Isn’t it a tad surprising to see that so many vegetables and fruits are so good for a human body? As in, there are specific fruits that can help improve specific organ functions. You can see it as a wonderful gift from God, or as an evolutionary thing. But what if they aren’t either? What if these organs are essentially evolved from those fruits or vegetables? After all you can trace human species as an evolutionary successor in a chain....

June 24, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

What If?

We are busy questioning if there is intelligent life outside of earth. What if it was the other way around? What if the human race is what was abandoned by intelligent life to live in the extreme conditions of this planet? What if some intelligent life forms wanted to create a prison for criminals. They surveyed multiple planets and figured out that earth has the harshest yet conditions while the other two hadn’t even cooled down....

June 23, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

Is this a mistake?

I find this an oft-returning thought to me. I completely believe in assuming responsibility to what happens with my life. And truly, my career and life so far is a reflection of conscious decisions I have taken thus far in my journey. But every time I look back, I clearly see the mistakes I make. Some of these mistakes are fairly disastrous. I sometimes wonder I shouldn’t have joined IIT. I always knew I wanted to be on my own....

June 22, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Should I go back to Android?

Two years of iPhone has served me very well. Now I need to renew my contract and I can get another device with the new contract. I could forgo a device, but I may not be able to get a device in the contract later on. So, it put me in a fix. Fix because the contract does not support picking a 5S device. Or even a 4S device. And I am not sure if I want to lug around a bigger handset than that....

June 22, 2015 · 3 min · abishek


If you have to hesitate to make a decision, then perhaps you are not yet ready to go ahead with it. You lack the clarity or confidence or the rigor needed to keep up with the decision. I hesitated again today to do something. A hesitation I would not have had 4 years back even if I was earning only half of what I do today. Growing up does not always make your life easy....

June 20, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

Mujhe Hindi maaloom hain

As I was rolling in the bed y’day night trying to sleep, I weirdly started thinking how Hindi as a language fared in my life. When I entered middle school, I had to make a choice for the second language. And my parents rightly made my choice for studying Hindi. They felt, I would anyway pickup Tamil and knowing the national language is very important. Yes. I totally agree today – besides, I am sure Hindi was simpler than Tamil....

June 18, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Ok Kanmani

I saw OK Kanmani recently and have been itching to write about it for a while. The movie was a breeze and a nice watch. It doesn’t try to persuade you one way or the other. And it has very little content. But for Nithya Menon, Prakash Raj or Leela Samson, the movie would have fizzled out too fast. I know Nithya Menon is a fantastic actor from her role in 180....

June 17, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Yet Another Yoga Timer

I wrote about needing a good exercise timer here. I am using the yoga timer app that I downloaded and am reasonably happy with it. I hate quite a few things about that app. I could give feedback and make it better, but the app has a paid version. So chances are the paid version has these fixed already. Besides, it doesn’t do many things it claims to. So am quite unhappy with it....

June 10, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

Air Con remote

Our house has a weird problem. There are 4 air con units in the three room house and some aircons are so close to each other that if you need to turn one ON without turning the others ON, you will need to defy the laws of physics, and sometimes even the laws of quantum mechanics and/or law of conservation of energy. Usually we end up switching one air con ON and then take a trip around the house to see what else got turned ON and then turn them OFF using our own algorithms....

June 9, 2015 · 2 min · abishek