Real Estate Ads

The sector that really needs better marketing folks is the real estate sector. At least the residential real estate market in India and to some extent in Singapore also. Today someone from India wanted me to buy a house in Bangalore. Apparently I could do that with just a 7lac payment and then rest upon possession. I had a couple of problems with the call: It was made at a completely inappropriate time....

July 15, 2015 · 4 min · abishek

Ads for Tata Docomo Internet are

quite sad. The tone is irritating and the themes are annoying. I guess they are trying to impress the hyper-social kids. And I hope this is working for them. But you definitely lost some of the 30+ year olds already.

January 18, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

My problem with haircare and toothpaste ads

is that they are quite silly. Have you noticed that they almost always have transparent touch screen displays? And that too fairly large ones? Well, that is my problem. I would like to believe that these ought to be expensive. Consumer television sets with 34″ and above that aren’t transparent cost quite a bit to buy. For instance, my TV cost me about $200 and is only about 32″. Ok, it is a smart model but I am sure the majority of the cost is the display technology....

January 10, 2015 · 2 min · abishek