The Apple Watch

Apple announced it watch last year. And it decided to ship it from next month, this year. Of course, as a fan boy, it is a fab gadget to own. As an electronics engineer, it is a piece of marvelous engineering and worthy of owning. What follows is not a review, not a rant and definitely not a promotion. This is just an observation. Apple watch is a first in many things for Apple....

March 11, 2015 · 3 min · abishek

Trouble that is worth it

I love this post from Seth Godin. You must read it too. And here is my favorite line in that post: Seeking out the things that are more trouble than most people think they’re worth is a powerful place to be. I have been here. Early on in my career, when I was here, it really gained me the quick recognition and earned me the type of tasks I was best suited for....

March 10, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

Best start was for 2015…

2015 indeed started on a great note for me. I managed to get a 1-1 meeting with the Harnhua – Co-Founder at Plunify, a startup specialising in FPGAs and cloud computing based solutions for this space. Well, technically, they aren’t a startup anymore, just a small company. But from my talk with him, I understand that they are pretty much the startup that they set out to be. And probably have all those startup problems 🙂...

January 22, 2015 · 2 min · abishek

Elections 2014

The counting is starting in a while and the internet connection at office is flaky!! Not today, I say! I should have sent money y’day. Tomorrow there is at least a 50% chance, I stand to lose on exchange rate. Unfortunately that is also what I wish for my country – for the rupee to gain in value because of good governance and economic policies. All the best India. You gave your exams well ( fairly good turnout compared to earlier, right?...

May 16, 2014 · 2 min · abishek