On Being a Late Bloomer

Late bloomer is a term often associated with developmental milestones in kids. It turns out the actual meaning is a lot more generous than that, despite what Urban Dictionary has to say on the topic. I always topped my class in school. Even through undergrad classes, I stayed in the top 5 ranks. So, “late bloomer” is not a term that anyone would associate with me. Frankly, I haven’t considered the possibility until very recently....

May 25, 2024 · 8 min · Abishek Goda

Personality test

So I came across Myer Brigg’s type indicator test when I was reading something on Quora. The geek that I am, I had to try it out first. I haven’t read up about it yet, but I felt the need to write something I noticed. And so here it is. This test is sorta like a psychometry test. I was told, during interview days just after finishing engineering school, that these tests were used to identify your personality, whether you were clear in your head or some such stuff....

August 27, 2014 · 1 min · abishek