Unta is a month old

I had introduced Unta in an earlier post. Unta came into our lives on the 5th of October. Today he is a month old. He already does a lot of very insightful things like saying “ah” or “oooh” when we aren’t expecting it. He can tell dad’s arms from mom’s. And he loves dad’s better 😉 He knows when to fold his legs so that changing the diaper is a tough exercise....

November 6, 2015 · 6 min · abishek

This is where it all starts!

It was an insightful morning today. I was getting my 1-month-old to sleep after his feed so that we can get our day started. Noni is sort of jealous of me on this: Unta seems to love my arm couch better than hers. Even though I squeeze him like an orange. Maybe he feels super cozy! Ok, please don’t advise me on why I should not squeeze a 1-month-old like an orange....

November 5, 2015 · 4 min · abishek