Excercise Timer

I have recently got on an exercise regimen to fight my back pain problems. It is sort of like Yoga but in a controlled manner. I don’t know if its fun, but it definitely helps to keep pain away. Typically, I’ll need to do 4-6 exercises twice a day. Each exercise is repeated three times and lasts 30 sec each time. Pretty simple, right? You need to keep aside about 30 minutes twice a day to take care of this....

May 19, 2015 · 4 min · abishek

Smart Watch

Honestly, it’s more painful than pleasant to have one. I have a one wish for my smartwatch: There should be a one tap snooze for all sorts of notifications: social media has the worst timings for conversations. And the time usually coincides with your work that needs all your concentration. Apart from that, it is quite nice. There is a huge cry around why Apple watch battery sucks. Some of the most priced watches from my grandpa’s age required to be ‘key-ed’ every 24 hours for it to show the right time....

March 17, 2015 · 1 min · abishek

The Apple Watch

Apple announced it watch last year. And it decided to ship it from next month, this year. Of course, as a fan boy, it is a fab gadget to own. As an electronics engineer, it is a piece of marvelous engineering and worthy of owning. What follows is not a review, not a rant and definitely not a promotion. This is just an observation. Apple watch is a first in many things for Apple....

March 11, 2015 · 3 min · abishek